Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting Stuff Done

I'm back again, twice in one day! Holy crap!

For one thing, I'm excited because today I finished my first semi-complicated original cross stitch pattern. It's a Doctor Who-themed sampler. Having never done pixel art before, I had to pick that up and then create pixel Doctors and a pixel TARDIS and some pixel Daleks... I also created a smaller TARDIS and a small pixel version of the current "DW" logo. The sampler itself is landscape rather than portrait and is divided into three sections. The top section has an alphabet and numbers then the small TARDIS and small DW logo alternating. The middle section has the larger TARDIS and all eleven Doctors. The bottom section had several RTD-era Daleks and the word "EXTERMINATE" repeating several times.

I'm really looking forward to picking up the rest of the floss I need for it and giving it a try to make sure that all the colors work and everything looks right. It's been a very long time since I did any major cross stitch project.

I'm making Doctor Who cross stitch patterns because my friend Sara and I are hoping to put together a nice selection of Doctor Who items to sell at Doctor Who nights and possibly in an Etsy shop. We're looking into getting things like t-shirts and buttons printed, and then I had the idea of not only cross stitching things which we can sell finished, but also just selling the patterns and/or selling kits with the patterns, fabric, floss, etc. We're still in the stuff-planning stages as opposed to the logistics-planning stages, but it's fun to think about all this stuff.

Meanwhile, in 30 Day Journal Challenge land, today's prompt was to list goals for June:

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